The Blogari Code asmatuko duzu? -en The Blogari Code jokoa jarri dugu. Bertan mezu batean 'The Da Vinci Code' liburua buruan edukiz kode ezkutu bat sartu dugu mezu batean, asmatuko duzu? The Blogari Code |
Iruzkinak hemen "The Blogari Code asmatuko duzu?"
kodigoa ez det asmatu baiño ranitak grazia ite ziguk, earra del eta .
txantxikutxu, igela,
Hi Gorka Julio,
This is hello from Shanghai China! I'm Kilvon Wu and playing a website for blog advertisement management named ''. The website is just online for running 1 month and now it is expecting for more powerful functions.
I get your name from, and trying to reach you for your authorization for tool utilizing. What I'm going to do is linking your tool to blogs which registered in for their ranking purpose. is free for register and so far don't have chargeable services (but in a long run, after have over 10k or more bloggers then will charge advertiser and blogger). I'm not sure whether can use your tool for free, because I'm playing it with one of my classmates in part time – which means currently we don’t have any funds . We're both working now and participated a part time master education program in China FuDan University.
Please kindly share your opinions, thanks for your time!
P.S. You can reach me at vblogin(AT)
Kilvon Wu Team